Wednesday, April 14, 2010

random musings

the hallucinated image
of a wholesome
flashing its incandescence,
in the eyes of its unknown ghost

my eyes,
groping for an inkling if its reflection
squirt from here and there…
and rest on the banks,
of a glittering afterthought.

...its only me
and this unfathomable I.
And our eternal hide-and-seek.


a half-bloomed flower,
washed away moon.
weary night.

and a completed me.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

An ode to life

On the crude pages of the flirting life,
lie some thumbprints
of a moment's poetry.

In the indulgence of this breath,
are breathed,
some sublime clouds of beyond-life.

Somewhere in the girth
of this incidental existence,
lies a pearl
of perfect anonymity,
that smears its manifestations
in the misty catacombs of abstraction.
and in the definite heart-throb of the concrete.

And thus,
my being is thrilled,
with the joy
that erupts in the birth of creation...
When the diligence of craft,
meets the spontaneity of art...



some scattered breaths

of bygone moments…


The abyss of broken imagination.

I delve myself,

and drown in their fantasy.

What is real?

And what unreal?

I cross the boundaries of existence

And realize, that there were none.

In the flow of wanton life,

I gather the deathliness of it all.

and the oncoming darkness,

brings with it,

The joy of non-existence,

or the existence of joyless ecstasy?

Guide me….O lord….

to that place,

where I shall close my eyes,

……and see.

A rendezvous with repentance

The night

Spilled a thousand scars,

Bathed in its moonlight

Of indifferent repentance.

Wept its heart out

In the broken song

Of the fluttering night-crickets.

Poured out its grand sorrow

In the wisdom-sparks of its stars.

Flaunted its agony

In the flamboyance of the ocean.

It had its moment of glory,

A rendezvous with repentance…

When I was fast asleep

In a dreamless sleep.

And now,

As I wake up,

Why do I feel

That the morning light today

Is peeping stealthily,

Like the subtle silence

Of a half-hearted poem

Aware of its beauty,

But Unaware of its own delight.

Aware of its grandeur,

But unaware of its painful roots….

Sunday, April 11, 2010

A cry from within

Some joy,


Is blessing..

A sorrow,

Beyond recognition,

Is bliss.

In the crudeness,

of these creases of reality,

A fabric uncertain…

I spur,

along with each moment.

and die silently, with the demise of each

Engrossed my being,

with the elements of universe,

In their profound chaos,

I nurture creation,

and sprout along,

in the space

between two heartbeats.

I live in that cave,

in the ocean bed…

and my each pulsating vibration,

expresses these waves,

with their multifariousness.

Each moment,

a crystal,

I paint,

in this play of eternity

and I let the eternity fade,

in the forever play of my moments.

O my lord,

absorb me,

in my own self,

and express my destruction,

in each music beat of your universe….


Saturday, April 10, 2010


and casting aside,
all the cobwebs of reality,
i delve into the unreality
of my illusive dreams,
and take refuge there...
...until the sun breaks again...
throwing a glimmering light of reason,
spilling nothing but darkness......

I and Me

I seek that,
which I dont find.
I heed not,
what I already have.

I am possessed by
unreachable obscurities,
while I dont let my own
belongings express me
in their wanton beauty. much as my breath.
And as much vital.

I dress myself in varied attires,
woven with a dispossessed charm,
wander across uncertain paths.

In the vanity of my empty froth,
I forget the substance I am.
And in the ego of my own little self...
I forget the universe I am.

Friday, April 9, 2010


The entire expanse-leaf of ether, thrilled,
with one dewdrop of eternity.

The sunlight of infinite life,
finds its refuge,
in the recluse
of one teardrop of timelessness.

And thus pass
eons of time,
as the birth-pangs,
seeking the ineffables,
for one truthful moment of absolution.


…and drenched in the incompleteness

of my own cognitions,

its you that I’m overwhelmed with.

and overdone with my own

random musings in this indelible ink,

I am left with the same incompleteness that is you..

you are a hollowness that isn’t….

and you are a fullness that is all…


a stuttering silence,

and some doubtful words.

a voice,

congruent with the wind’s whisper.

a protruding me,

from my own chest,

A crossroad

of confusion.

a succumbed seduction

of a faraway familiarity.

and a dislocated fluttering thought,

floating in the night’s darkness.

Some snowflakes,

a cold indifference.

a gift of an unimagined tear,

in this festival of pathos.

Even I lie,

in there….somewhere.

In this wilderness,

a mere camouflage.

Spread your palm

Spread your palm
and place me on it,
softly like a dew-drop.
Close your fist
and your eyes
and feel me transpire.
Caress me in your dreams.
Shudder your being,
and destroy me in yourself.
Open your fist
and your eyes
and find me gone,
in faraway lands.
Spread my ashes in corners of earth
like a spirit
of forgotten ages.
Still feel me in your veins
and see my face in the wetness
on your palm,
in the glistening tranquillity.
And in the purity therein,
my soul, reflected.

Thursday, April 8, 2010



I am lost

In these alleys

Of obscurity.

huge enough

To suck me in.

Small enough

To abandon me.

My heart is trembling,

Like a morning leaf


With a slight touch of insecurity.

Why does life

Present its wholeness

With a mystical mystery?

Like some ancient corridors,

Lit enough,

To reveal their darkness…


Your thought kindles in me,

the spasms of vitality,

and when my being becomes becomings,

that’s when I start to be.

These all abstract expressions,

might take birth,

as stars

in the night-sky of your remembrance.

And I hope one day,

the nakshatra of my being,

pours down incessant rain,

from the soaked petals of your eyes.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010


My own perception,
comes in the way,
of my own realization.

I paint the universe,
with my myriad colours...
and take pleasure
in their extravagance.
When will I shine
in the complete brightness
of the its
ultimate transparent purity.,
without any hues
of a sensual feel...
Whole whiteness of an
undefined light.

When will all my colours
unite to be one?


in the footnotes of my existence,

some unutterings,

clasped to my chest,

I weave in the distant image,

of the forgotten galaxies,

of my sighs and afterthoughts.

one unashamed tear flows,

as the remnant of my remembrance,

the earning of my lifetime,


in one spherical profundity.

the porous crust of my being,

becomes one speck of creation,

the unexpressed takes birth in me,

and with the sublimity of my meaning,

I forthcome in generations…

Monday, April 5, 2010

Whiff of a poem

The spirit of my evening poem
is this drought,
in the ocean's womb.

like a moment's lie,
on the face of eternity.

My flaunted spontaneity,
of the sky's stolen poetry...
A freedom,
handcuffed in the senses.

the anomaly of perfection.
and the throb that begins,
just as the life ends.

With the shy reluctance
of the first flower-petal,
that smears its virginity
in the roots of my verse...

And a poem that begins,
after the last fulstop.


As I gaze into your eyes,
I delve into your being.
Travel in your overwhelming vastness,
in hidden spaces,
of unuttered words,
and in your inconsequential moments.
Moments that just.........are.

I completely inhale
all your becomings.
And wonderfully,
unknown to me,
as I come out,
I slide away, softly
in one drop of tear, from your eyes.
a drop of fulfilment.
a drop of your own realization
of my immersion in you.


Moments come and go,

Leaving their footprints upon my path.

The ambience that surrounds,

Completes me.

A tear-drop of my being

gathers in my eye.

I try to hide it,

but it reveals me.

2 April 08